what to pack in carry-on bag

What to Pack in Carry-On Bag for an Easier Flight

March 17, 2021

Flying can be stressful, especially when you haven’t flown in a while due to travel restrictions. Knowing what to pack in your carry-on bag should not be adding to the stress. Personally, I think packing builds up the excitement for the trip! Use this list to be sure that everything you need is packed in your carry-on bag before heading to the airport.

Wallet with I.D.

This is your number one accessory. I mean, you can’t even board an airplane without your I.D. these days. It’s also one of the worst things to leave the house without (and we’ve all done it). Double and triple-check that your wallet with your photo I.D. is packed in your carry-on bag before heading out on your next airline adventure.


Even though some states have lifted the mask mandate, it is still a good idea to cover your nose and mouth in crowded areas like airports. While this may be on a list of what to pack in your carry-on bag, you should probably be wearing it the whole time you are in an airport as long as coronavirus is still a risk. But hey, packing extras isn’t a bad idea!

Hand sanitizer 

This became essential during the COVID-19 era of traveling but even when this pandemic is long behind us, hand sanitizer will always be a great item to pack in your carry-on bag. Note that it will have to be a small, travel-sized sanitizer to make it through security.


Chewing gum can help relieve the clogged ear sensation when you are changing elevation during takeoff and landing. It will also keep your breath smelling fresh so you don’t knock yourself out with coffee breath behind that mask. I suggest you pack gum in your carry-on so that you don’t need to buy overpriced gum at the airport.


Every time you choose to fly you know you will be spending time being bored. Maybe your flight delays, you booked a long layover, or you just spend an unnecessary amount of time spent sitting on the runway. Whether it’s music, podcasts, or audiobooks that you listen to, you’ll want to have something to pass the time. 


Although you can’t take drinks through security in your carry-on bag, you can take snacks! Get some pre-packaged goodies to hold you over in the airport so you can save your appetite (and money) for a delicious, sit-down meal when you reach your destination.

Medicines and vitamins 

I once had a coach who always told us to travel with our uniform packed in our carry-on bag. That way, in case our luggage got lost, we’d still be prepared to compete. Per that same logic, I always take my daily medications and vitamins in my carry-on because they are something you cannot replace on a trip.

Empty, reusable water bottle 

Let’s be real here, the airport charges you like, $4 for a planet-killing plastic water bottle. Save your wallet and our planet by bringing an empty, reusable water bottle with you in your carry-on bag that you can fill up for free at a water fountain or Starbucks after security. 

Phone charger 

For most of us, a dead phone would mean no communication, music, games, movies, podcasts, etc. for the remainder of our time in the airport. Frankly, that just sounds unenjoyable.

Now that you’re carry-on bag is packed and you are confident that you have everything you need, get out there and explore the day! If there are any other must-have items that you pack in your carry-on bag that aren’t on this list, leave a comment below and let us know.

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