Take Care Of Yourself. Take Care/of Vitamins.

Take Care Of Yourself. Take Care/of Vitamins.

February 28, 2021

I don’t know about you, but once I outgrew Flintstones™ Vitamins I didn’t really know what vitamins I should be taking. I had so many questions about vitamins and Care/of answered every one of them.

Before taking Care/of vitamins I was a bit of a yo-yo vitamin taker. A little Vitamin C during flu season and some Cranberry when I felt a U.T.I. coming on seemed sufficient enough. Occasionally I would get on a health kick and buy some women’s multivitamins but by the time the bottle was empty, I was over it and deemed them unnecessary in my tiny college budget. I didn’t really know the importance of vitamins and what they can do for my body.

Take the quiz

After taking the Care/of vitamin quiz, I learned what vitamins I actually need based on my health goals and current diet. Care/of explains what each vitamin will do for you and why they recommend it. These are a couple of vitamins that I take to make up for the gaps in my vegetarian diet:

Veggie Omega because I never eat fish and Vitamin B12 because I never eat meat.

Download the Care/of app

In my opinion, the Care/of app is really what gives Care/of the level up from other vitamin brands. Don’t get me wrong, the quiz itself is great but if you’re anything like me you may be thinking, “why don’t I just take the quiz, see what vitamins I need, and then go by them at Walmart?” The app is why.

The Care/of app encourages you to take your vitamins every day by sending a notification to your phone. Better yet, each day that you track your vitamins you earn Carrots (basically points) that can be exchanged for things like coupons, Care/of merchandise, and even a Peloton if you’re really dedicated to saving. Thanks to the app, I have yet to pay full price for my vitamins since I started taking them! Combining that monetary reward with my health goals has seriously helped me out.

Enjoy personalized Care/of vitamin packs

Personalized, individually wrapped packets of Care/of vitamins.

As someone who spends a lot of time traveling, the personalized, individual packets of Care/of vitamins are so convenient. Picture this: You’re going on a 5-day vacation so you simply grab 5 packs of vitamins, throw them in your carry-on and get going. It’s so much better than having pill bottles rattling around and attracting attention in the security line. The personalized packs have different fun facts each day and I have even learned of a few new destinations to add to my bucket list.

I highly recommend Care/of to EVERYONE. It’s convenient, affordable, important for your health, and dare I say…fun. Click here to take the quiz and save 50% on your first order of Care/of vitamins.

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