5 Tips for a Quick Rest Stop with Your Pup

January 3, 2021

There are two types of people on a road trip: Those who enjoy the ride and those who just want to get where they’re going. Regardless of which side you fall onto, we can all agree that needing to stop at a rest stop is the worst. Whether it’s the gaslight or your bladder forcing you to take a break – it’s inconvenient, to say the least.

I consider myself a lifelong road-tripper. From out-of-state sports competitions as a kid, choosing a college 300 miles from home, and now dating a man who lives 9 hours away – it’s safe to say I have covered a lot of miles in my time and in turn, visited a lot of rest stops.

This year in particular I have truly mastered the art of a racecar-style pit stop. Between coronavirus precautions and a puppy riding shotgun, spending as little time as possible inside a rest stop has been a priority. Here are 5 tricks I have found to make your rest stop as quick and efficient as possible when you’re traveling alone with your furry friend:

  1. Let your dog potty while your gas tank is filling up. Depending on what state you are in, this may not be an option (like in New Jersey where they pump the gas for you). If you can set the gas pump to keep pumping without you holding it, and there is a patch of grass in view, you’re all set. Just be sure you are not venturing too far from your car while the gas is still pumping.
  2. Leave your car at the pump while you run inside but please, don’t be a jerk. This works best if the rest stop is pretty vacant and no one is waiting for the gas pump. Instead of moving the car to a parking spot, just park it at the pump.
  3. Make up your mind before entering. Don’t go perusing all the shelves for something to catch your eye. Go in with your mind made up, find what you need, and head out.
  4. If you have the option to get a pre-made drink instead of ordering – do it. Sometimes you just need your specialty coffee made just right, and that’s fair. But most gas stations and rest stops also have the canned Starbucks and Dunkin’ coffees in the refrigerators. This will save time as you won’t need to wait for your drink to be made and you can avoid friendly chit-chat with the barista.
  5. Only walk-in with what you need, your card or cash, and your keys. No need to waste time digging through your purse at the register.

These are the top 5 ways I speed up my pit stops when I am traveling solo with my dog, Meeko. When you are traveling with others the same rules apply, but there is more chance to divide and conquer. Check back every Sunday for more travel tips and adventure inspiration to keep you exploring every day.

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